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"The Blind Leading the Blind" by Pieter Breughal the Younger |
The "1903" Wright Photos
(Or The Blind Leading the Blind)
(Or The Blind Leading the Blind)
Most aviation historians have come to accept without question Orville and Wilbur Wright's story that they made four actual powered flights on December 17, 1903. Three days before that, on December 14th, the Wrights said they tried a flight, but it was a failure. We might add that the witnesses make no mention of this Dec. 14 attempt.To back up the first, third, and fourth alleged flights on the 17th, the Wrights eventually presented photos, below, as proof that these three claimed flights occurred. The second alleged flight has no photo.
But what do these photos actually show? According to our studies of the photos together with the Wrights' written descriptions of these attempts, they show that they are not what they are claimed to be. If they are indeed photos of alleged flights on December 17th, 1903, what they actually indicate is that the first and the third alleged flights likely ended in crashes before they traveled the distances the Wrights claimed. As for the fourth, if it was made, the photo provided as evidence by Orville Wright proves that it didn't travel even close to the distance the Wrights claimed--that is, if it's a photo of the claimed fourth flight. Evidence contradicts their claim that it is. The Wrights admitted that this claimed flight ended in a hard landing that broke struts, and the frame of the front rudder.
Don't Look Closely
(Because I said so)
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Third Alleged Flight, Orville on deck |
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Fourth alleged flight, alleged 852 feet by Wilbur |
Many Books, Same Story
Some of the Wright history books are folksy, easy reading, full of inconsequential trivialities and false claims, for example, the David McCullough book, "The Wright Brothers," that made the top of the New York Times best sellers list. Some are for children and make an exciting tale. Some try to be more technical. But they always say essentially the same basic things; and they almost all fall in line with the original testimony of the Wrights, after questionable testimony has been culled through numerous Wright biased hands. Even portions of witness statements have been discarded in these books, except what seems to verify the preordained conclusions of the "expert" historians--and to eliminate any discrepancies someone might easily spot. Finally, at Orville Wright's death in 1948, documents were burned at his directive. Fortunately for us in "Truth in Aviation History," the story is still rife with contradictions if you really look--bad apples that were missed in the cullings from the beginning.
Primary vs Secondary Sources
Maybe that's the reason the photos have never been seriously examined. But today with photogrametry ( or photogrammetry), an analysis of photographs as used in the US Air Force, and with sounder knowledge of aerodynamics, together with wind tunnel and replica tests, the photos have stories to tell that are not at all complimentary to the Wright story. Of course, Wright historians are pushing back hard. It's a phenomenon called "backlash."
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More blind leading the blind |
If you have read this blog, you realize that we don't accept what the Wrights claimed unless there is corroborating proof that originates from sources other than the Wrights.At a certain point, after encountering so many conflicts in their accounts and their evidence, one can't believe them anymore. See "Didn't the Wright Brothers Always Tell the Truth?" in this blog. Proof for an honest aviation historian can include expertise from unbiased aeronautical engineers analyzing their claims, a hand writing expert, and/ or detective work uncovering their discrepancies. But believe nothing unless it is witnessed and/or verified. There are far too many anomalies, too many contradictions in this story to accept it as the "Holy Grail" of truth.
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Secondary source history |
In this blog, we have already questioned the first flight photo for a number of reasons. See "The First Flight Picture: Puzzling Questions," for example.There are even stronger criticisms to come about this photo. A recent analysis of the fourth flight picture is positively devastating to the Wright claims and actually proves fraud on the part of Orville. Publications of that study are pending.
What about the photo of alleged flight number three? Take a look. You don't have to be an aeronautical engineer or even a pilot to question the claim that this is a photo of a successful flight.
What's Wrong With This Picture?
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Alleged third flight of the Wrights brothers, December 17, 1903? |
If you were just a regular person--an observer of this third alleged attempt at flight on December 17, (and if you had eyes to see), your reaction to the moment the photo was taken would be that the right wing was going to hit the ground if it hadn't already; and the plane was going to crash. Unless, of course, there were instant corrections by the pilot that would have to be already evident in the photograph. If you were a passenger in this plane, you'd probably be saying your prayers. (Some people acquire a belief system very quickly in an event like this.) In any case, your life might be flashing before your eyes. Fortunately, this plane wasn't capable of carrying a passenger and the Wrights later rarely got above ground effect--that cushion of air when traveling close to the ground that helps a plane to fly. They also traveled slowly and chose a soft, sandy crash pad like the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
Orville Wright was said to be the one who was piloting the plane on the third flight attempt. He obviously survived and lived to write this description of the attempt in his diary.
"... At about twenty minutes til 12'oclock I made the third trial.When out about the same distance as Will's [about 175 feet], I met with a strong gust from the left which raised the left wing and sidled the machine off to the right in a lively manner. I immediately turned the rudder to bring the machine down and then worked the end control. Much to our surprise, on reaching the ground the left wing struck first, showing the lateral control of this machine much more effective than on any of our former ones. At the time of its sidling it had raised to a height of probably 13 to 14 feet ....Will took a picture of my third flight just before the gust struck the machine."
Since there has to be a delay in reaction time and a delay in the plane's response, however quick, we proposed the question to experts--Is
there any evidence from the third "flight" photograph that the pilot has employed his lateral control to
counter the right wing's imminent meeting with the ground? If not, could
the impending crash still be avoided?
The expert answer is, no. The wing warping that might have righted the plane if there was enough time, was controlled by movement of the hips. Even though the rudders hide any hip movement, there is no evidence of any warping of the wings whatsoever in the photograph. If the pilot were to rescue the plane, evidence that he had already engaged/employed the wing warping to lift the right wing would be apparent.
No, the plane would have struck the ground and the claimed "flight" would have ended. Orville's statement that after the wind raised the left wing, he "turned the rudder to bring the machine down and then worked the end control" can't be true.
More and more questions
Examining other quotations from the diary: "At the time of its sidling it had raised to a height of probably 13 to 14 feet...." What ? The plane is barely off the ground.
"Will took a picture of my third flight just before the gust (of wind) struck the Machine." Again, what? In the photograph, the gust from the left has already struck the machine and raised the left wing, causing the plane to sidle to the right.
"I immediately turned the rudder to bring the machine down and then worked the end control." As we stated, the evidence of the photo refutes this statement. The plane would have crashed before the pilot reacted.
"Much to our surprise, on reaching the ground the left wing struck first." No, the right wing clearly struck the ground first and ended the flight.
There are other questions about the photo, if you really look. Some of them will be addressed in our next post-- coming soon. For example, if Orville was piloting the plane, Wilbur was obviously taking the picture. It's astonishing that he survived this third "flight," too, as described by Orville. An expert can establish where Wilbur had to be standing to get that picture. With the plane's drive by and sidling to the right., it's a miracle that he remained intact He should have been nearly decapitated by the wing, or at least suffered a concussion.
Watch for the next episode of "The Wrights' Third (Fourth) Attempt to Fly, Part II" in Truth in Aviation History-- called "I Wouldn't Stand There If I Were You."
Coming soon on your computer near you! Be sure to tune in.
*The witnesses of the Wrights' attempts to fly only mention two attempts total, none on December 14 and two on December 17.
"Will took a picture of my third flight just before the gust (of wind) struck the Machine." Again, what? In the photograph, the gust from the left has already struck the machine and raised the left wing, causing the plane to sidle to the right.
"I immediately turned the rudder to bring the machine down and then worked the end control." As we stated, the evidence of the photo refutes this statement. The plane would have crashed before the pilot reacted.
"Much to our surprise, on reaching the ground the left wing struck first." No, the right wing clearly struck the ground first and ended the flight.
There are other questions about the photo, if you really look. Some of them will be addressed in our next post-- coming soon. For example, if Orville was piloting the plane, Wilbur was obviously taking the picture. It's astonishing that he survived this third "flight," too, as described by Orville. An expert can establish where Wilbur had to be standing to get that picture. With the plane's drive by and sidling to the right., it's a miracle that he remained intact He should have been nearly decapitated by the wing, or at least suffered a concussion.
Watch for the next episode of "The Wrights' Third (Fourth) Attempt to Fly, Part II" in Truth in Aviation History-- called "I Wouldn't Stand There If I Were You."
Coming soon on your computer near you! Be sure to tune in.
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Alleged third flight of the Wrights brothers, December 17, 1903? |
*The witnesses of the Wrights' attempts to fly only mention two attempts total, none on December 14 and two on December 17.
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